NJ Judge Rules That Christie Must Fully Fund State Pension Plan
February 23, 2015
Superior Court judge Mary C. Jacobson has ruled that Governor Christie must reinstate a $1.6 billion cut he made to the state’s pension payments for the current fiscal year.
HPAE and other public employee unions filed suit when Governor Christie cut the proposed $2.25 billion pension contribution for the fiscal year that began July 1, 2014 down to $681 million. The union suit claimed that a law providing for contributions to the state pension plan included the contractual obligation that the contributions be made.
HPAE President Ann Twomey lauded the judge’s decision:
“In 2011, NJ public employees paid more for their retirement security in exchange for a legal commitment from the Governor to provide full funding for the state pension fund.
Public employees, including nurses and healthcare professionals, did their part in securing the future of the state pension fund through their increased contributions – but Governor Christie failed to do his part. In fact, Governor Christie treated his legal commitment to provide secure funding for the state pension fund like a playground bet. He reneged.
Today, the Superior Court said no to game-playing with our state budget and pension funds, and upheld the rights of hard-working public service workers to their retirement security. We applaud that decision, and urge the Governor and Legislature to live up to their commitment – and ensure a retirement with security for public service workers, and secure funding for the pension fund.”