Enrollment Guide: A Few Tips To Help You Shop For A New Marketplace Plan - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Enrollment Guide: A Few Tips To Help You Shop For A New Marketplace Plan

From KHN | Kaiser Health News, October 28, 2015

Open enrollment for the health law’s 2016 marketplace plans begins Sunday, and federal officials caution consumers to check out premium prices because in many places they may be higher. But officials are planning to offer new features to make the process faster and smoother for consumers.

They can already do some window-shopping for plans on the federal marketplace, healthcare.gov. A new feature that may help some customers is an online, out-of-pocket expense calculator on the website to help estimate how much they will pay in deductibles and co-payments in addition to the monthly premiums.

Additional tools to show if a particular plan includes a consumer’s doctor and what drugs are covered under an insurer’s list of approved drugs are still being tested and will debut later, officials at the Department Of Health And Human Services say.

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