HPAE Education Days Focus on Safe Staffing and Respiratory Protection
HPAE Education Days were held March 7 and March 9. This CE program focused on two health and safety topics: Safe Staffing – Safe Work and Respiratory Protection for Healthcare Workers.
The link between short staffing, staff injury and illness, and negative patient outcomes is obvious to frontline workers. The staffing workshop provided participants with the facts and analysis about these connections and how we can advocate for safe staffing.
The respiratory protection workshop focused on a key problem facing healthcare workers: far too many healthcare facilities fail to provide adequate respiratory protection for healthcare workers exposed to infectious diseases and hazardous chemicals, including glutaraldehyde, waste anesthetic gases, antineoplastic drugs and surgical smoke. The workshop educated participants on key elements of effective respiratory protection programs, with an emphasis on preventing healthcare worker exposures to aerosol transmissible diseases.
A total of 6.0 contact hours was awarded to members who attended both workshops during the day.
Photos from the March 7th Education Day:
Photos from the March 9th Education Day: