Local 5030 Members Fight to Secure and Maintain Safe Parking - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Local 5030 Members Fight to Secure and Maintain Safe Parking

An overwhelming majority of day shift members of HPAE Local 5030 signed a petition demanding that Hackensack UMC/Palisades respect workers’ rights and provide safe and secure parking at the facility.  This brought management to the table and the union was able to secure the following:

  • On-site parking for the following members;
  1. ED 12 hour shift employees ending after 6pm
  2. Maternity 12 hour shift employees ending after 6pm
  3. Rehab employees that work flex shift ending after 6pm
  4. OR employees that work flex shifts ending after 6pm
  5. Boiler operators
  6. Radiology employees that work flex shifts ending after 6pm
  7. Food Service employees that prepare breakfast
  8. Phlebotomists that begin at 5am
  9. Other employees scheduled to start prior to 5:30am
  10. Anyone with an On-call decal
  • Adequate lighting at the off-site location
  • Security at the off-site location
  • Increased shuttle service from 4 to 5 running every 10 minutes during peak times
  • Established a decal system
  • Night shift employees parking on-site do not have to move their cars prior to the end of shift
  • Evening and Night Shift employees will continue to park on-site
  • When transportation and/or security is not available to drive employees after hours, employees can obtain a taxi voucher from security in the main lobby.