Local 5089 Election Results, February 2, 2018 - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Local 5089 Election Results, February 2, 2018

The American Arbitration Association has completed Local 5089 Officer Elections. The final results are listed below. The right to protest the conduct of an Officer Election is guaranteed by federal law. If a protest is filed concerning the election, the Local Nomination and Election Committee will decide the merits of the protest and determine whether any corrective action should be taken.

The election results are here.

Election protest process description


Karen Dudley dudleykl@uhnj.org
Jennifer Lerner jlerner@elianmed.com
Marie Lafortune Lafortunemm@yahoo.com
Doreen Dugan dougandm@uhnj.org
Jeffrey Ball (HPAE Staff Representative, (jball@hpae.org)