Local 5131 Officer Election Results - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Local 5131 Officer Election Results

Local 5131 Officer Elections are complete.  The new Local Officers are listed below and will take office March 1, 2018.  The right to protest the conduct of an Officer Election is guaranteed by federal law.  If a protest is filed concerning the election, the Local Nomination and Election Committee will decide the merits of the protest and determine whether any corrective action should be taken.

  • President – Dana Barrett
  • Vice President Elmer – Caroline Sands
  • Vice President Bridgeton – vacant
  • Vice President Vineland – vacant
  • Secretary/Treasurer – Tracy Sheppard
  • Grievance Chairperson – Kelly Fordyce

No nominations were received for Vice President Bridgeton and Vice President Vineland.  The Committee cast one vote on behalf of the uncontested slate and certified the above four candidates.  The Vice President Bridgeton and Vice President Vineland positions are marked as vacant.  The Local Executive Board will need to appoint someone for the vacant positions as stated in the Local Constitution and By-Laws.

Download the election protest form.


Karen Bailey Bailey*@comcast.net

Kristine Hayman Klhayman@me.com

Pat Queripal patqrq@yahoo.com

Jeffrey Ball (HPAE Staff Representative, (jball@hpae.org)