Local 5106 Labor-Management/Safety Meeting Minutes, February 27, 2018
In attendance: Betsy Nulty, Richelle Kozak, Sue Clements, Barbara Gennello, Luann Kline, Yasser El-Khatib, Clara Galati, Joan Schiavo
Next Meeting: March 27, 2018
Magnet: Letter not accepted yet
Restraint Documentation
- New documentation for restraints; education to be provided starting on March 8th
- Documentation audit March 12-19.
- DOH complaint: ER patient’s rights allegedly violated
- Documentation must be accurate in Epic: violent vs. non-violent restraints
- Techs and nursing document in two different sections
- Actual time is important on when restraints are placed and when other interventions occur
- Education needed on “late entry”
- RN can place on order for restraints in Epic; MD must evaluate the patient within the hour
- ER documentation is poor; type of restraint (violent vs. non-violent) must match the order
- Once patient is asleep, the nurse should be notified and restraints removed.
Beeper for Pharmacy
- Needed on night shift when only one pharmacist is working and he is out of the pharmacy
- Patient safety issue; TPA/stroke alert every minute counts
- Must have ability to reach pharmacist at all times
- Luann will address the issue
Charge Pay differential
- Per contract will start on the first full pay period of March
- It is already programmed in the system
- Managers will assign charge and know who has actually been in charge
- ER: same person cannot be in charge three times in a week
- There will be a list of who wants to do charge in ER
- List of guidelines for ER charge.
- Sign up first or be assigned
ER Issues
- Children visiting in the ER during flu season was previously prohibited due to directive from infectious disease. This year there has been no directive.
- Security officers not rounding in the ER.
- Visitors to minor care need to be escorted.
- ER Stat 13: seem to be a delay in the announcement of the stat. Luann recommended holding the red stat button in for three seconds; to reset, hit three times
- Signage on emergency call button in the bathroom should be in Spanish and English
- For any security issue, shift supervisor should be notified at the time of the incident.
- Active shooter training in the ER needed, but staff has not signed up for past offerings.
- Suggest the training be mandatory with 6am to 10pm times on two separate days: Staff would be required to sign up
Proposed Attendance Policy
- We have demanded to bargain the effects of the policy
- The existing policy has not been enforced . Why propose a more punitive policy which will have potential detrimental effects on all employees?
- Since the policy will be system wide, we will be working with TUHNA, TAP and Jeanes nurses to bargain a fair and acceptable policy.