Local 5058 and Local 5138 bargaining update, June 14
Bargaining is underway as we stand together for our patients! We return to the bargaining table tomorrow.
Union and Management bargaining teams presented opening statements and exchanged proposals as dialog began in a first negotiation session. Our Local Presidents, who opened the process, spoke with integrity and sincerity. While our unity grows stronger, the employer demonstrated interest in dividing us from our sisters and brothers at other HMH facilities.
We presented staffing ratios, and members of our team spoke eloquently about the difference in the quality of care we can deliver when nurses have four patients as opposed to six or seven. Our team presented the need for a reasonable PTO approval process to give everyone access to time off. We began a conversation to strengthen rights and training for nurse residents. We presented proposals that will raise employee safety standards on campus and around our parking access. We proposed language to ensure that an adequate skill mix for the highest quality of care is delivered on all units and all shifts.
Management made a non-discrimination proposal and we had positive dialog on the topic. Unfortunately, the employer wants to increase their ability to subcontract work at JSUMC without having to speak with our union. They also want to cut the Performance Improvement nurses out of the bargaining unit at SOMC. These are only a few examples of a general theme aimed to weaken our union.
This is just the beginning. It will take a united membership and everyone’s support to win a fair contract for our patients and ourselves. Wear your button! Come to the rally on June 27 as we say “We Are Healthcare!” at Gables Park in Neptune from 5:30pm – 8:30 pm. We’ll have food, fun, face painting and community action to show we are putting Patient Health Before Corporate Wealth. Be the first to hear the latest updates and photos on Facebook @HPAELocal5058RNs, Southern Ocean Nurses Union Members (Local 5138), and on Instagram @hpae_local_5058.
Let’s show ourselves and our employer what it means to be a Union and stand together. Solidarity!