Local 5058 Election Results
The Local 5058 Nominations/Election Committee announces the newly elected officers for Local 5058. They will take office May 1, 2019 and term runs through April 31, 2021. Thank you to all the outgoing officers and congratulations to the new officers.
- Adam Witt
Vice Presidents
- Barbara Boyler
- Domineek Everett
- Nancy Gannon
- Kristin Pappa
Unit Representative
- Kathleen Cala
- Beverly Fey
- Barbara Walsh
The new Local Executive Board will appoint members to any vacate positions as per the Local’s Constitution and By-Laws. The right to protest the conduct of an Officer Election is guaranteed by federal law. Additional information can be found here.
HPAE LOCAL 5058 NOMINATION/ELECTION COMMITTEE: Pam Reinhardt (pbreinha@aol.com) , Amy Addeo (aarn@optonline.net ) and Jeffrey David Ball (HPAE Staff Representative) jball@hpae.org