HPAE Local 5629 Executive Board Election
It is Election Time for our Local!
All 6 positions on the LEB are up for election for a new 2-year term of office. All members in good standing are eligible to be nominated and run for one of the positions. Those titles are found in our Local Constitution and By-laws – an excerpt is printed on the next page and the full text can be found by going to HPAE.org, selecting Local 5629 and clicking on Constitution and By-laws or: https://www.hpae.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/HPAE-Local-5629-By-Laws-July-2017.pdf
Being a local officer is a significant commitment – both of time and energy. It is also rewarding to help improve the work lives of our Union brothers and sisters. While the Local Constitution and By-laws provide an outline of the duties of each position with respect to the basic day to day operations of the local, it is important that anyone considering running for office understand that far more is expected of each elected officer than is found in the excerpt below.
Download the Nomination Form here.
First, all officers are expected to attend every LEB meeting and every membership meeting (perfect attendance is not anticipated). The LEB must function as a team and be available for emergency meetings and conference calls when such are necessary and called by the President. In addition, each member of the LEB is expected to take on an equal share of the following commitments:
- Participation of two officers (one must be the President) at the bimonthly State Executive Council Meetings;
- Participation and attendance at HPAE Statewide events and events in support of our brothers and sisters at other HPAE Locals (all LEB members).
- Representing members at investigatory interviews and assistance in the processing of grievances (all LEB members).
- One officer must represent the local at the monthly Northwest Jersey Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO meetings.
- Participate in Labor/Management Committee Meetings.
- Represent the Local on other joint committees such as Health and Safety (all LEB members).
- Prepare agendas for Membership, LEB, and Rep Meetings.
- Maintaining communication between the LEB and the members through the Reps (Chief Steward)
- Sending out Membership, Rep and LEB meeting notices.
- Securing a location for Membership Meetings and other Union Events (currently assigned to Sec/Treas.).
- Arranging for food and beverages for Union Events (currently assigned to Sec/Treas.).
- Creating a Strategic Plan for the local and regularly assessing success in implementing the plan (entire LEB).
The following is an excerpt from the HPAE Local 5629 Constitution and By-laws
Section 1. Executive Board
The Local Executive Board shall be the governing body of the local. It shall supervise the affairs of the local and shall have the authority to make rulings and adopt policies not covered by the Constitution and Bylaws that are consistent with the provision of the Constitution and Bylaws.
In addition to the responsibilities of the specific office as designated herein, all officers shall be responsible for determining and implementing the goals and agenda of the local.
The Executive Board shall consist of six (6) members in good standing who shall include:
A. The elected officers: President, two (2) Vice-Presidents, Secretary/Treasurer and;
B. The two elected positions: Grievance Chairperson and Chief Steward
Section 2. President
It shall be the President’s duty to administer the affairs of the local and to execute policies established by the local in conjunction with the Local Executive Board. The President shall assign duties and responsibilities to the other officers. The President, or Executive Board designee, shall preside at all meetings of the membership and serve as ex-officio member of all committees, may appoint chairpersons of committees and shall discharge all duties incidental to the office of President. The President will assure that the Back-To-Basics standards are implemented and enforced. The President shall also serve as the Second Vice-President on the State Executive Council of the State Federation and shall be eligible to serve on the Executive Committee of the State Federation in accordance with the State Federation Constitution. The President shall be a delegate to the State and National Conventions.
Section 3. Vice President
There shall be two Vice President positions. The duties and responsibilities of each Vice President will be determined by the President, subject to the approval of the Local Executive Board.
In the absence of the President, the Vice-President so designated by the President and/or Local Executive Board, shall perform all duties of the President and when so acting shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President. The Vice-Presidents shall be a delegate to the State and National Conventions.
Section 4. Secretary/Treasurer
The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep or cause to be kept an accurate record of minutes of the meetings of the Local and shall give or cause to be given notices of all meetings in accordance with these Bylaws. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for the Local newsletter, communications and shall in general perform all duties incidental to the Office of Secretary.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall supervise the maintenance and distribution of all funds of the Local and shall keep accurate and current records of such funds. The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep all financial records on a permanent basis and be responsible for filing required financial reports. The Treasurer shall work with the State Federation Secretary/Treasurer in developing and implementing a budget and shall in general perform all duties incidental to the office of Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer shall serve on the Budget Committee of HPAE State Federation. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be a delegate to the State and National Conventions.
Section 6. Grievance Chairperson
There shall be one Grievance Chairperson. The primary responsibility of the Grievance Chairperson will be the grievance handling for all bargaining unit members. The Grievance Chairperson may establish a grievance committee and will provide training and guidance for each committee member. The Grievance Chairperson shall be a member of the Local Executive Board. The Grievance Chairperson shall be a delegate to the State and National Conventions.
Section 7. Chief Steward
There shall be one Chief Steward. The primary responsibility of the Chief Steward will be to coordinate activities of the union representatives and will meet with union representatives of the departments to facilitate conflict resolution. The Chief Steward shall be a member of the Local Executive Board. The Chief Steward shall be a delegate to the State and National Conventions.
HPAE LOCAL 5629 NOMINATION/ELECTION COMMITTEE: Phyllis Belanger, Elaine Dembowski and Jeffrey David Ball (HPAE Staff Representative, jball@hpae.org)