Local 5142 Update and July 17th Membership Meeting Alert
On Friday, June 28th, our local filed an Unfair Labor Practice charge against Salem Hospital. We are charging them with violating the law by refusing to bargain over proposed changes to the PTO accruals and Sick Time Rollover. This action is in addition to the arbitration we filed over the same issues.
As we have been saying all along however, the true power to win both of these issues, as well as in our upcoming contract fight, will come from you, the membership. The charge and the arbitrations will take time to pursue legally, but while that process is playing out, we will be preparing for bargaining later this year. Our unity, and our willingness to take collective actions such as petitions, button days and rallies will be crucial as we build power to win and enforce an even stronger contract moving forward.
Wednesday, July 17th at the Super 8 Pennsville
413 N Broadway, Pennsville, NJ 08070
8:00am, 5:00pm and 8:00pm
We’ll be discussing:
- Next steps for member involvement on the accrual issue.
- An overview of the bargaining process and what we can
start doing RIGHT NOW to get prepared
Please make every effort to attend these meetings! United we stand!
Local 5142 Local Executive Board