General Membership Meeting Minutes, August 28 - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

General Membership Meeting Minutes, August 28

Staffing and Layoffs

  • At a recent Labor Management meeting we were told that Episcopal is $5 million in the red therefore requiring some cuts.
  • We lost five BU positions but we are aware that other positions including middle management jobs have also been eliminated.
  • Elimination of five RN positions has resulted in return to two nurses per shift on behavioral units.
  • The layoffs were conducted according to contract language and at present two of the five nurses have opted for pool positions and the other three nurses took full or part time positions on other units.
  •  There was quite a bit of shuffling around and at least two of our newer nurses will be doing hours on two different units.
  • In addition, there was a plan to rotate  radiology techs to the weekends which was put on hold; However, CT techs will now be rotating to weekends.
  • We are not aware of any changes at this time, but if there are issues in your unit or department, please let us  know

Contract campaign

  • We are handing our surveys today and requesting that they be returned ASAP, but by Sept 18th at the latest.
  • The contract survey will also be available on-line:, and click on Local 5106 or Temple-Episcopal.
  • The survey is short, but we welcome any additional comments or issues to be added on the back of the survey.
  • We are hoping for 100% participation and we will read all 175 completed surveys.

Nominations for Negotiating Team

  • Any member in good standing can nominate themselves for the negotiating team.
  • Being on the team means commitment of your time and may require some use of your own benefit time.
  • Negotiating training will be held on October 29, 2019
  • Location to be determined.

Professional Issues Conference on Thursday, October 10, 2019

  • Register online.  Registration fee will be refunded if you attend.
  • Information on HPAE web site and Union bulletin boards.

Labor Day parade held be held on Monday September 2, 2019

  • Pre-parade kick-off rally at 9:15am at the sheet Metal workers Hall, 1301 S. Columbus Blvd.
  • Parade to Penn’s Landing
  • Food, Live Music and Kids Activities
  • All invited to attend

Open Forum

  • Eric Morris, discharge planner, insurance companies should be paying for covering 1:1. He believes his new position has been beneficial to the hospital.  Awaiting results on pay for performance.
  • Radiology staff  have been told by management there will be lots of changes.  No specific information has been provided.  Will request to meet with radiology supervisor.  Question of how far in advance a request for time off can go in.   Our position is one year.
  • CT techs need ER techs to transport patient to be scanned.
  • Per social workers, LJ Rasi, Director of SW Department, reported a $4.7 million deficit at Episcopal.  Then said Temple said to change it to $3million.  He asked staff for input on how to save money.  Eliminate some management positions??
  • Michael Wilson suggested a committee by formed to look at ways to save money.  If insurance companies are paying for 1:1 coverage, why is the unit still absorbing the 1:1 coverage and short staffing the unit?
  • Social Workers concerned about a co-worker bringing her young child to work on more than one occasion.
  • CT techs requesting access to  their Kronos.  Will address  to Luanne Kline.