Proposals for 2020 Bargaining for Jersey Shore Local 5058 and Southern Ocean Medical Center Local 5138
The following are general areas of proposals that we are going to make at bargaining this year. Members are the key to fighting for and improving our collective bargaining agreement (contract). Let’s work together to win the best contract possible.
Quality of Care
Improved Staffing Language
- 5058: improved open shift language: no reassignment after set time.
- Staffing ratios
- Improved language on non-nursing duties
- Institute resource and transport nurses
- Charge without an assignment
Improved Health and Safety Language
- Workplace violence and safety language
Recruitment and Retention
- Merit wage improvements
- Across the board increase/market rate increase
- Increase the number of years on the new hire scale (currently 15 years)
- Reinstitute me-too clause
- Increase On-call rate
- Increase Charge pay
- Increase in PTO accruals
- Improved ESL
- Improve tuition plan
Transition and Oversight
- Language to hold management accountable when implementing any new system
- Improved disability process
- Oversight of any new systems and increased notice given to the Union
- Protection of staff data and staff movement
Building Union Power
- Fair election agreement
- Joint bargaining on statewide common issues
- Increase Union days to represent members