Tell us your COVID-19 stories - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Tell us your COVID-19 stories

As the nation is battling to reduce the spread of COVID-19, HPAE wants to hear your stories so that we can include them with the many experiences other healthcare workers have had across New Jersey.   We urge you to fill out this form to let us know the concerns you’re are facing on the front-lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Feel free to share potential violations of workplace rules that may expose workers and patients to the virus or other harmful substances. We understand that your anonymity is important.

These are challenging times and HPAE wants to best address these concerns so that you can continue to provide safe patient care.

An HPAE organizer will contact you if you desire a follow up conversation.  If you’re interested in engaging in our campaign to ensure you are protected and have a voice, join us! Thank you in advance for keeping HPAE informed.


    My facility is not screening every patient or client for potential COVID-19 symptoms.There is a shortage of supplies and I have been advised to reuse my mask or other.I have not received proper training to prepare me to provide care for COVID-19 patients.I would like someone from HPAE to contact me to discuss this/these issues.