HPAE Local 5131 News, July, 2021
Our HPAE State Convention is going to be October 6th & 7th. Normally we would be meeting in Atlantic City for the occasion, but this year it will be held virtually. The convention committee has been working hard to make this a great experience. The convention has always been a way for HPAE members across the state to get together and learn from each other. This past year has been a truly unprecedented time in healthcare. Now more than ever, it is so important to get connected and have your voices heard. There will be several workshops offered this year that will have a great impact on how we can improve as nurses. Some of the workshop topics are; violence in the workplace, moral injury and trauma and how it affects a person, and racial disparities in health care. Each of the workshops will be a platform to provide up to date education as well as an open forum to discuss each topic and its impact on you as a nurse and society as a whole.
You probably received a letter in the mail about nominating a member in good standing to be a delegate at the convention. Each HPAE locals gets a certain number of delegates that have the ability to vote on resolutions and filling vacancies in state officer positions and amendments to state or local bi-laws. Please nominate either yourself, a friend or both to represent our amazing local. Please reach out to any of your officers if you have any questions about being a delegate or the nomination process.
The convention is really is great opportunity to help members understand the role of a union in healthcare and how we can work together to facilitate change in the healthcare system. Register now @ hpae.org/convention2021. Do not let this chance to learn and be the voice of change pass you by. See you online!
Local 5131 Executive Board