HPAE local 5094 CHU and CFN Membership Forums (12/7 & 12/14) - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

HPAE local 5094 CHU and CFN Membership Forums (12/7 & 12/14)

The HPAE Reps for the CHU and CFN members are calling a meeting of the membership to discuss ongoing issues affecting coworkers across the state. To make it possible for maximum participation, we are offering two sessions on the same subject. Please register for the session you want to attend through the links in this email to confirm your participation in either session. Your voice matters, make sure to join one of the upcoming conversations.

HPAE Membership Forums

Session 1: Tuesday, December 7th 6:30-7:30pm
Register here: https://aft.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYuc-yhrD4oG9KutH-iLE1-fM0OzoFGxHQ1

Session 2: Tuesday, December 14th 6:30-7:30pm
Register here:  

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Join either session to:

  • Come together to share experiences people are having in different regions across NJ
  • Hear updates about ongoing issues and discuss next steps
  • Create a plan to win for enforcing fair rules and equal treatment across the membership
  • Build knowledge about your rights in the workplace and how to advocate safely and effectively for yourself and those you serve
  • Stand in solidarity with your coworkers for fairness for everyone

Looking forward to connecting with you and together, setting the course for the road ahead.


In solidarity,

Ana, Vanessa, Rachel, and Monica