Local 5091 Officer Election Results
The elections for President, Vice President of Professionals and Secretary are complete. Since all the positions were uncontested, no ballots were mailed out. The Nomination & Election Committee cast one vote on behalf of the slate. We would like to congratulate the new officers. The term of office begins January 1, 2023 and ends December 31, 2024
- Robert Davis – President
- Corinne Albrecht – VP Professionals
- Faith Mazuru – Secretary
Bob Davis brings a wealth of knowledge to the Presidency as he serves in several officer positions. He currently serves on the HPAE State Executive Council, the HPAE State Executive Committee, and the State Arbitration Committee. We would also like to thank Jeff Peck for all he has done for the local, a list too long to enumerate. He has been an amazing President and representative of both the local and State HPAE. Jeff still plans to be involved in many aspects and we look forward to working together and continuing to grow.
HPAE LOCAL 5091 NOMINATIONS/ELECTION COMMITTEE Christina Bader, Barbara Timothy and Jeffrey David Ball (HPAE Staff Representative)