Good news – we have our first tentative agreements….but there is still a fight ahead
We are excited to announce that on Friday we reached tentative agreements with Rowan University on three of our non-economic proposals and have made further progress on several other articles, including our reassignment language.
The tentative agreements include the following:
- Management will provide additional information to union leadership regarding negotiations unit employees that will enhance representation of our unit .
- We strengthened the recall language for research staff by ensuring Principal Investigators review all resumes of negotiations unit researchers on the recall list prior to filling a vacancy.
- We improved health and safety language by requiring the University to acknowledge all reported health and safety problems within 2 business days and requiring them to respond with a timeline and explanation of how the conditions will be remedied.
We are proud of what we have achieved so far but we know that there is still a long road to achieving everything we need. We are still waiting for the University to respond to our economic proposals. Additionally, although we have made good faith movement on our improved layoff language proposal, the University has continued to reject our counters entirely. Lastly, with regards to flexible work, the University is holding their position that Rowan University can make any and all changes (including terminating) to their existing flexible work policy. We hope you will join us in this process to push the University to agree to our proposals that we know honor our dedication to this institution. Please reach out to Luis Correa at [email protected] to learn how to get involved!
We will report back after our next negotiations session on August 8th!
In unity there is strength,
Luis Correa, Senior Revenue Cycle Analyst, Finance Decision Support and Revenue Cycle
Frances Harvey, Grants & Contract Analyst III, Financial Service
Joanie Page, Reimbursement/Budget Analyst, Managed Care
Cheryl Riddick, Management Assistant, Department of Psychiatry