Local 5091 December Bulletin #2
“If it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen.”
We have heard it many times before, during and after the pandemic. “We are short staffed! We are working short! I don’t even have enough time to take my break and it seems like there is nothing to be done about it! I am exhausted and burning out because I have no help on my unit/in my department.” It is imperative to work as a team and report these concerns on an unsafe staffing form.
Documenting these occurrences provides proof of what took place and when. Without filling out an unsafe staffing form, it sadly becomes words in the wind that hold little value in the bigger picture. Documenting these experiences allows for follow up and follow through to fix the issue in a timely manner. We’ve heard the saying before “If it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen.”
With HPAE Local 5091 and the Bergen New Bridge Medical Center executive team, we are working closely to make this a top destination ‘workplace’ with many opportunities for growth. One of our goals is to create and maintain an environment where our members feel respected, valued and appreciated. Documenting these happenings, whilst sometimes scary to document something in fear that the work environment may be different after, is the only way to make a change. It allows opportunity for growth and discussion on how to fix the bigger picture.
Unsafe staffing has been a challenge in many hospitals and health care settings recently. Documenting this provides protection for staff and the patients that we care for in challenging situations that may arise. That piece of paper may result in a positive change. That change may not have happened if you didn’t fill it out.
Please fill out unsafe staffing forms as needed, which can be found on most units. If your unit does not have any, please visit our website for information on how to obtain this form. Thank you for all the hard work that you do! Thank you for your bravery.