Local 5004 Negotiations Update, May 17, 2024 - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Local 5004 Negotiations Update, May 17, 2024

Today (5/17) we had our 9th negotiation session. Today management finally responded to our J1 (staffing numbers). We had several questions for management on their counteroffer – which neither the CNO nor any of the other management team were prepared or able to answer.

We informed them that their initial wage proposal was unacceptable, and we will not counter until they respond to our comprehensive economic package.

We also gave them homework for the weekend – listing off all our outstanding questions and proposals they have yet to respond to. We look forward to a productive session on Monday.

Remember, we have a legislative breakfast coming up on 5/22 (8-9:30am) This is a chance for our members to voice their concerns to local politicians. Check your email, by now you should have received the invite email. Please RSVP if you plan to attend.

Our next bargaining session is set for Monday, May 20th. We will keep the membership updated as negotiations proceed.

Thanks to all those that came out to vote. Our membership voting overwhelmingly to authorize the strike.

In Solidarity,

HPAE Local 5004 Negotiations Committee