Local 5004 Negotiations Update, May 22, 2024 - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Local 5004 Negotiations Update, May 22, 2024


Today (5/22), we had our 12th negotiation session. Management came to us with a counter on wages today, along with some other issues that we indicated are important to us.

While they are not where we need them to be, they did make enough movement that avoid getting the strike notice…. today.

We will reconvene with them next week and hopefully continue to make progress toward reaching an agreement.

Strike School 2 is coming up next week on 5/29. Please make sure you attend so you can understand your role if we need to walk!!

Thanks to everyone who attended our legislative breakfast this morning – it was a great success and the politcos in attendance were very supportive.

Our next bargaining session is set for Tuesday, May 28. We will keep the membership updated as negotiations proceed. Have a great holiday weekend!

In Solidarity,

HPAE Local 5004 Negotiations Committee