Local 5004 Negotiations Update, May 7, 2024
Dear {{ FirstName | commonize | default: “Friend” }},
Today (May 7), we had our 6th negotiation session. We provided management with our full economic package – wages, differentials and the like. They did not respond to these proposals as, in their words, they do not have our staffing proposals yet.
We intend on providing management with our complete set of staffing proposals tomorrow (May 8th).
We will be holding a Strike Authorization Vote on May 16th – there are set times for meetings, but someone will be there all day for you to cast your vote if necessary. Please remember to come and cast your vote.
Our next bargaining session is set for Tomorrow, May 8th. We will keep the membership updated as negotiations proceed.
In Solidarity,
HPAE Local 5004 Negotiations Committee