Local 5621 Member Update - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Local 5621 Member Update


Over the last holiday weekend, July 4th, we received information that some of our members have been canceled incorrectly.

The Holiday cancellation is based on your BU seniority. There should be a list of who is working in seniority order from most senior to least senior. Calls would be made by the nursing office asking most senior nurses if they would like to be cancelled and on down the list. If the need is to cancel more nurses, then took the voluntary cancel, then they proceed from the bottom of the list and cancel the least senior nurse moving upward.

If you were cancelled incorrectly, please notify the union as soon as possible so that you may become part of a class action grievance that we filed on your behalf.

48.1 Holidays Defined

Holidays are defined for the purpose of holiday pay as follows:
(1) for twelve (12) hour shifts, holidays are defined as beginning on 7:00PM of the Eve of the holiday until 7:00PM of the night of the holiday, except for Christmas Day and New Year’s Day which begins at 3:00PM on the Eve;
(2) for eight (8) hour shifts, per diem, and off-shift employees, holidays are defined as beginning 11:00PM on the Eve of the holiday to 11:00PM on the night of the holiday, except Christmas Day and New Year’s Day which begins at 3:00PM of the Eve.

48.2 Recognized holidays for the purpose of holiday pay:

  1. New Year’s Day
  2. Memorial Day
  3. July 4th
  4. Labor Day
  5. Thanksgiving Day
  6. Christmas Day

48.3 Holiday Pay

All regular full-time and regular part-time employees who work on any of the recognized holidays shall be paid at the rate 1.5 times the Employee’s regular compensation of pay. There shall be no “pyramiding of time” (as defined by Section 46.3) when working a holiday. If an employee has an unscheduled absence either on or forty-eight (48) hours preceding or following a holiday, the employee may not use PTO time for payment related to the unscheduled absence(s).

In solidarity,

Local 5621 Local Executive Board