Local 5107 EVVNA/VNA Contract Negotiations Update, October 14, 2024 - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Local 5107 EVVNA/VNA Contract Negotiations Update, October 14, 2024

We met with management and gave our economic proposals for fair and competitive wages. We discussed inflation, cost of living increases, the shortage of nurses and the need to be competitive in order to recruit and retain nurses. We are awaiting a response and want to send management our petition of support.

We need ALL members to sign on!

It’s vitally important that you sign onto the petition of solidarity and support if you have not yet done so. This will show management that we are united and strong!

Please click here to have your voice heard and show your support!

Our next bargaining session is October 23rd. As always, we will keep you posted on our progress.

In Solidarity,
HPAE Local 5107 Negotiations Committee (Tamara Williams Joseph, Carolyn Iorio, Trish Mangano, Lorna McCalla and Molly Desarme)