Local 5185 and 5186 Members: Save OUR Hospitals Rally, October 22 - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Local 5185 and 5186 Members: Save OUR Hospitals Rally, October 22

We’re joining our union brothers & sisters at Christ Hospital and Hoboken Medical Center for a “Save OUR Hospitals” Rally! Tell our leaders to keep our Hospitals Open, Hold CarePoint Accountable, and NO LAYOFFS!

WHEN: 10/22/24, 2:00-4:30

WHERE: Church Square Park (across the street from HUMC), Hoboken

HOW: Near the 2nd Street Light Rail, Hoboken Terminal and the 22, 89, & 126 Busses

If you have not yet, please add your name to our letter to Gov. Murphy: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/take-action-to-protect-hudson-county-hospitals/

In solidarity,

HPAE local 5185 and local 5186 Executive Boards