Local 5107 Llanfair House Update, February 28, 2025
We understand that you are dealing with a lot of changes at Llanfair House. If you have received a “Welcome aboard” packet, go ahead and fill it out at this point. We will be going into negotiations to negotiate the current contract or a new contract with management.
We want you to know that we are looking into all the changes that management has unilaterally implemented and are working with our internal and external legal counsel to address.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Eugenie Adolphe, 5107 VP, or Sheila Schicker, HPAE staff rep.
(908) 937-5791 adolpheeugenie@yahoo.com
(973) 229-2734 sschicker@hpae.org
In Solidarity,
Eugenie Adolphe
Local 5107 Executive Board