Local 5105 Membership Update – Negotiations
As you know, negotiations were supposed to begin two weeks ago to renew our Union contract with Virtua. That contract is was scheduled to expire on May 31.
Due to the Corvid-19 crisis, the Union proposed that we extend the contract by three months – to allow both Union and Hospital leadership to focus on the immediate crisis. We also felt that neither party would be able to give negotiations the attention they deserve to win a contract that will best serve our members interests for the next few years.
Therefore, we have executed an agreement with Virtua to extend the contract until at least August 31, 2020 with the ability to further extend the contract on a month to month basis if the situation warrants such extension. During this time, the full contract will remain in full effect.
In addition, as part of this agreement, management has committed to regular dialogue with Union leadership as the crisis develops.
This is a tough time for our nation, our state and our community and we are at the front line of this medical crisis. Be assured that HPAE continues to advocate at all levels to make sure that our members are safely able to meet the healthcare needs of our community. Please check the HPAE website regularly as it is constantly being updated with the latest information possible on this crisis. Next week, HPAE plans another virtual townhall open to every member across the state – please join that conversation.
The Negotiating Committee is committed to going to the bargaining table as soon as reasonable to fight for the staffing required to provide optimal care for our community, safe work environment and economic package that we all deserve.
Thank you.
Sheryl Mount, President and Local 5105 Negotiating Committee