HPAE Local 5105 members ratify their 2022 Pay Increase
Congratulations! The “Yes” vote was over 80% to ratify our wage package for 2022. The wage reopener proved to be successful because we were able to secure a significantly larger wage increase, market rate adjustment and additional steps. This is a vast improvement to what we were offered previously. Please see the wage chart here for the full break down.
Thank you to all of the members who came out to leaflet, to wear stickers, to attended a meeting and to generally supported our fight for better wages. However, we realize we have a lot of work to do going into full contract negotiations in May 2023. As we start planning for Negotiations 2023, we would like to increase member participation to get our voices heard and have ALL members turn out to support this campaign and vote. We want ALL members to use their Union voice to win improvements for nurses. This is the only way to make Virtua listen to its nurses! We hope this sparks an interest to actively participate in our campaign to win the working conditions and wages we deserve in 2023!
In Solidarity,
Sheryl Mount, President Local 5105 and the Negotiations Committee