Local 5103 Post Election Protest Decision
The Nomination and Election Committee of HPAE Local 5103 received protests related to the Local Union’s recent officer election:
- “Total of mailed ballots to the membership.” (Protest 1)
- “Non receipt of ballots to some members.” (Protest 2)
- “Requested ballots not received in a timely fashion.” (Protest 3)
All protests received did not comply with the Election Protest rules adopted by the Committee, but all were reviewed by the committee.
Protest 1
The American Arbitration Association (AAA) was supplied an excel list of Local 5103 members. That list was HPAE’s complete list of 206 members in good standing, which included 193 Technical members and 13 RN members. AAA mailed ballots to all members and has confirmed this in a legal certification. If any member did not receive a ballot, they were given an opportunity to contact AAA via email or phone to receive one. The Committee determined that there was insufficient evidence to support Protest 1 and took no further action.
Protest 2
No list of members not receipting ballots were supplied supporting this protest. Members were given sufficient notice, as well as multiple notices on how to request another ballot if they did not receive one. The Committee determined that there was insufficient evidence to support Protest 2 and took no further action.
Protest 3
AAA has documented that any member requesting another ballot was sent one within twenty-four (24) hours of confirmation of correct address. The committee also received no names who this may have happen to. Members were given sufficient notice of the whole election process via multiple notices and had sufficient time to request another ballot if they did not receive one. The Committee determined that there was no evidence to support Protest 3 and took no further action
With the above determination, the committee certifies the original results of the election in regard to the Technical Co-President and Vice President positions. A runoff election will take place for RN Co-President position
As further detailed in the Election Protest rules, protesting members may appeal the decision of the Committee, in writing, via certified return receipt mail within 10 days of receiving this Decision to the HPAE State Executive Council, c/o of Debbie White, HPAE President, 110 Kinderkamack Rd, Emerson, NJ 07630.
HPAE LOCAL 5103 NOMINATIONS/ELECTION COMMITTEE: Michelle Thomas, Arlene Flowers Carter, Diane Duda