Local 5147 Officer Election Results
The American Arbitration Association (AAA) has conducted and tallied the Election of officers for Local 5147. Thank you to all the members who participated in this important democratic process. A special thank you to those members who ran as candidates. The results are as follows
- President – Emer Frani
- RN Vice President – Tracy Panagiotopoulos
- Technical Vice President – Chris Fatzer
- Service Vice President – Juan Seguinot
- Secretary – Tanya Sanchez
- Treasurer – Sara Hroncic
The right to protest the conduct of an Officer Election is guaranteed by federal law. If a protest is filed concerning the election, the Local Nomination and Election Committee will decide the merits of the protest and determine whether any corrective action should be taken. The complete process can be found here for your review.
HPAE LOCAL 5147 NOMINATION/ELECTION COMMITTEE Andrea DiRubba, Curtis Jeter and Jeffrey David Ball (HPAE Staff Representative)