Local 5105 Membership Meeting, Monday, May 15
This Nurses Week, our local sent a powerful message to the Hospital that we are willing to do what it takes to fight for our patients. We had over 25 cars participate in a car caravan with our massive safe staffing billboard on Tuesday, and yesterday we stood with hundreds of nurses throughout HPAE to demand that our legislators pass a bill requiring safe staffing ratios. Now we need to carry this momentum into bargaining next week!
On Monday, May 15th, we will be holding a critical membership meeting at 8:00am, 4:00pm and 8:00pm. We’ll be updating everyone on bargaining, and asking each member to vote to authorize our committee to call for concerted action up to and including a strike. We want to be clear that while this is a strike authorization vote, we would call the membership together for another vote before making any decision about going on strike. This vote allows us to call for other concerted activity such as informational picketing, and gives us leverage at the table when we meet with management again on May 18th. The meetings will be entirely virtual at this link: https://aft.zoom.us/j/93813484145?pwd=bnU2TndhRWlVTzUrbDdsdXZVcE41Zz09
The voting will be conducted by the American Arbitration Association. Voting instructions and PIN numbers will be emailed to each member on Monday, May 15, 2023, at 6:00 AM EDT. The online and telephonic polling is set to begin on Monday, May 15, 2023, at 7:00 AM EDT, and conclude on Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 4:00 PM EDT. Results will be downloaded by AAA at the conclusion of polling. If you do not receive an email with voting instructions and a PIN, please request replacements by calling AAA Duplicate Hotline 1-800-529-5218 Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This number is to be utilized only for PIN requests. Members may also make requests by e-mailing Sacha Ulerio at ulerios@adr.org.
Make sure you attend the meeting and vote to that we can continue to push the hospital to settle a contract that we and our patients deserve!
In solidarity,
Sheryl Mount
President, Local 5105