HPAE Joins With Cooper Hospital, Community Groups to “Cover Camden”
On December 16, HPAE co-sponsored an event, “Cover Camden”, to provide education and information on the benefits of the Affordable Care Act, and how consumers can get enrolled and access new coverage options available to them. Over 100 Camden residents, community leaders and health professionals attended throughout the day.
“Cover Camden” was held at Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, one of the collaborative partners along with Cooper Hospital, NJ Citizen Action, Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers (CCHP) and Camden Churches Organized for People (CCOP).
HPAE President, Ann Twomey, RN spoke at the afternoon workshop along with Maura Collingsru from NJ Citizen Action. A second workshops held in the evening included speakers from US Department of Health & Human Services, Cooper University Population Health Institute and Urban Health Institute. Photo below: Ann Twomey speaking at the event.
Organizations that provided resources and information at the event – in addition to sponsoring groups include – Planned Parenthood of Southern NJ, Obama For America (OFA), Enroll America, Senator Donald Norcross, Center for Family Services, and Project HOPE.
It was clear throughout the day that the information provided was needed by the community and well received by those who participated. Most important, community residents were provided with the opportunity to enroll in a health plan.
HPAE will continue to work with other hospitals, community groups, and healthcare providers to ensure that all New Jersey residents have the opportunity to access the health insurance benefits available under the Affordable Care Act.