Local 5621 special election update - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Local 5621 special election update

We have just concluded a special election for the seat of President on our Local Executive Board after the position was vacated. We are pleased to announce that the seat has now been filled by April Ferrara. April is a fellow nurse who works in the ICU/CCU and who has already served as a union rep and on the Labor Management/Staffing Committee. We would like to thank Sue Davis (ICU/CCU), Julia Carotenuto-Sutton (Cardiac Cath Lab) and Ernestine Wing (5PW) for serving on the election committee and overseeing this process.


Your Local 5621 Officers:

April Ferrara, President
Liz Hice, VP
Tracy Cefaratti, Grievance Chair
Colleen Kupsey, Secretary
Michele Carey, Treasurer