HPAE News - Page 21 of 59 - Health Professionals & Allied Employees


Inspira Local 5131 Holds Opioid Education Seminar for Members
May 10 2018

On Wednesday, May 9th members from HPAE Local 5131 Southern Jersey Healthcare  attended a continuing education program entitled “The Opioid Crisis: Improving Frontline Addiction Treatments with Policy, Knowledge, and Training.” The program is part of HPAE’s growing portfolio of options

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Education, Healthcare Unions Endorse Andy Kim for Congress
May 08 2018

May 8, 2018 Nurses and educators reject MacArthur attacks on health and education systems The American Federation of Teachers New Jersey (AFTNJ) and Healthcare Professionals and Allied Employees (HPAE), collectively representing more than 40,000 education and healthcare professionals in New

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Nurses take DC!
Mar 16 2018

On April 26th, HPAE will join thousands of nurses from around the country to descend on DC and demand safe staffing ratios at hospitals nationwide.

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Save The Date: April 26, 2018 Nurses Take DC
Mar 02 2018

HPAE is joining forces with Nurses Take DC to join colleagues from across the country to urge Congress to set standards for nurse staffing levels. More details TBA. For now mark your calendar to join us Thursday, April 26, 2018,

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Attacks on unions have reached the Supreme Court
Mar 01 2018

A message from AFT President Randi Weingarten: I don’t write emails to our full membership and activist community often, but the Janus v. AFSCME Supreme Court case warrants it. The case is challenging the 45-year-old precedent that 23 states have

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