HPAE News - Page 29 of 59 - Health Professionals & Allied Employees


Nurses’ Unions Meet to Discuss Common Concerns
Apr 11 2017

Leaders of nurses' unions from 9 states and 11 unions came together in New York City on April 10 to collaborate on key issues facing health care and unions, including attacks on collective bargaining rights, the need for safe staffing,

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Meadowlands Hospital Slated to be Sold
Apr 09 2017

From NorthJersey.com Meadowlands Hospital Medical Center –the Secaucus hospital where inpatient admissions have dropped to fewer than 30 patients a day – is slated to be sold to a multimillionaire real estate developer who owns a pair of surgery centers

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Local 5089 Member Speaks at “Clean Energy” Event
Apr 05 2017

Janice Fitzgerald, RN, APN and an HPAE Local 5089 member, participated in an event last Monday in Camden, NJ to highlight the public health impacts of climate change. In her presentation to the group, Janice noted that “the debate is

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