Health and Safety Organizations, Government Agencies - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Health and Safety Organizations, Government Agencies


New Jersey Work Environment Council (WEC) is a membership alliance of labor, environmental, and community organizations working for safe, secure jobs and a healthy, sustainable environment. HPAE works closely with WEC to strengthen health and safety and environmental standards and WEC provides health and safety training to our members.


The federal Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) enforces safety and health standards for private sector workers in New Jersey. OSHA’s Region 2 office covers workers inNew Jersey and New York. OSHA also has  three area offices in New Jersey.

The OSHA website has information about OSHA standards and health and safety topics by subject and industry, including a page devoted to healthcare facilities.


HPAE members who work in the public sector in New Jersey are covered by Public Employees Occupational Safety and Health (PEOSH), part of the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development. If you are thinking there may be an OSHA violation at your workplace you should contact your local HPAE Local President or Staff Representative for assistance.


CDC is the federal Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. There is an alphabetical list at the top of the CDC webpage to look up subjects such as influenza, emerging infectious diseases, and neo-plastic drugs, to name a few. CDC is also responsible for issuing guidelines and recommendations to hospitals and other healthcare facilities.


NIOSH is the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health and is part of the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC). It is considered the research arm of OSHA. It funds occupational safety and health research, conducts health hazard evaluations upon the request of unions and employers, supports academic training of health and safety professionals, and provides technical support.

The NIOSH healthcare worker page is a valuable resource.

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