Local Updates - Page 61 of 171 - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Local Updates

Tell Us What You Want
Oct 14 2021

As we continue to face the ongoing public health crisis, HPAE encourages our members to express their concerns with any shortcomings that continue to be exposed in our fight against CoVid-19. 

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Sally Rivera: A Remembrance
Oct 07 2021

HPAE lost Sally Riveria, RN who passed away suddenly in August. Sally retired from EHMC several years ago, but maintained a lasting connection to her colleagues in MSICU.

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Electronic Scheduling News Bulletin
Sep 29 2021

HPAE Leadership had hoped that EHMC Administration would be committed to work in collaboration with HPAE to address issues/changes that would impact the nursing staff. Regrettably, that is not so.

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IDA Relief Resources for HPAE members
Sep 29 2021

Below are resources for those of us affected by hurricane Ida. Please avail yourself of these services if necessary. Click here for a link to the relief resources. In solidarity, HPAE Local 5147 LEB

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