Local 5094 Rutgers - Health Professionals & Allied Employees

Welcome to Local 5094 Rutgers

Local 5094 represents Professional Staff at Rutgers University's Biomedical and Health Science division.


HPAE Local 5094 Special Officer Election
Sep 25 2024

This notice is coming to you on behalf of the Local 5094 Nomination and Election Committee. The following members will be running for Local 5094 Co-President (Rutgers New Brunswick/Piscataway/Stratford/Camden, Rowan).

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Local 5094 New Member Resources
May 24 2024

Congratulations on the beginning of a new chapter as you explore HPAE Union Membership. This page has lots of information to get acquainted with Union membership and getting active in your collective.

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Join Know Your Rights on Tuesday, April 16!
Apr 11 2024

Know Your Rights! (KYR) This educational and participatory workshop covers how to safely and most effectively exercise your rights at work related to self-advocacy, activism through collective action, and more.

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HPAE local 5094 Research Study
Mar 28 2024

We would like to connect with those of you who work in Research, or in support of Research. If this is your current role, please fill out the enclosed survey.

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Local 5094 Election Results
Nov 13 2023

The 2023 Local 5094 Nomination and Election Committee would like to announce the winners of the Co-President positions of local 5094.

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Local 5094 Officer and Representative Elections
Oct 25 2023

The election has begun for HPAE Local 5094 Officers. The election is being overseen by the American Arbitration Association (AAA). Ballots were mailed to all members in good standing on Monday, October 16, 2023.

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Happy Labor Day!
Sep 02 2023

This Labor Day, we are reminded that our strength lies in our Unity. Wishing you a Happy Labor Day, Stand United.

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Sept 1 pay increase
Aug 31 2023

Our bargaining team fought for a fair contract, and we are finally supposed to see the results of the negotiated increases.  By now, you should see the HPAE negotiated increases on your My Compensation History section of the My Rutgers

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Jul 10 2023

We will keep you informed as we begin to work with Rutgers to process the scheduled increases and to complete the final draft of the contract for posting to the website and to be printed for our members.

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HPAE local 5094 Solidarity Walks (June 6 Photos)
Jun 07 2023

Members of HPAE came together across New Jersey to stand in solidarity for a strong contract with Rutgers University as our campaign approaches one year in negotiations and in the streets building the power that wins. Members made waves at

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HPAE Strike Ed Meetings and Bargaining Update!
Apr 19 2023

Your committee on negotiations met with management on 3/29 where we passed our most recent wage proposal — 6.5% and a step movement retroactive to 7/1/22 and on 7/1/23, and 6% and a step movement on 7/1/24 and 7/1/25

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HPAE United at Rutgers for Strong Contracts Now!
Apr 06 2023

Unity photos show that HPAE membership supports our HPAE Bargaining Teams and our campaign for strong contracts for all union members at Rutgers. Add your team’s unity to the wave of solidarity building across the state.

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Unity Pics Gallery
Mar 23 2023

Unity photos show that HPAE membership supports our HPAE Bargaining Teams and our campaign for strong contracts for all union members at Rutgers. Add your team's unity to the wave of solidarity building across the state.

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Rutgers Raises for Coaches Only?
Feb 07 2023

This update comes following HPAE bargaining on February 2, the 18th in our Union’s negotiations with Rutgers University. We Deserve a Long Overdue Raise! Rutgers, Stop the Delay!

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HPAE 5094 Making Headlines, and Lots More!
Jan 30 2023

In this Update: HPAE 5094 to Holloway – We Don’t Feel Like Your Beloved Community, a Printer-Friendly Bargaining Snapshot, an Invite to the February 2nd Union Bargaining Caucus, Dates for 2023 Orientation Sessions, and More!

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HPAE Local 5094 Meeting Today 11/29 at 12pm
Nov 29 2022

Dear {{ FirstName | commonize | default: “Friend” }}, Reminder: General Membership Meeting Today, Tuesday, November 29 at 12pm Join today’s virtual HPAE Local 5094 General Membership Meeting to receive updates about bargaining and upcoming union events to support winning

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Union Coalition Town Hall Meetings
Sep 15 2022

Rutgers is in its strongest financial shape ever, so don’t believe the administration when they tell you they can't afford what we’re asking for. Join us for a virtual presentations by Howard Bunsis, an expert on higher ed finances, on

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Drastic premium increases – Action needed!
Aug 25 2022

Your health insurance costs are going up unless we act together to stop it. We call on all HPAE negotiations unit employees to Call the Governor to say “No” to health insurance cost increases!!

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Rutgers 5094 Negotiations Update, June 29, 2022
Jun 29 2022

The University continues to delay productive negotiations at every session we have scheduled. At today’s session, the University did not have any additional responses to the reserved proposals and only presented one proposal on the management side.

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Join an Upcoming HPAE Unity Day!
Jun 27 2022

Join members of the HPAE Bargaining Teams and Contract Action Team at a series of upcoming Unity Days at both in person and in virtual spaces beginning in July. Get Bargaining Updates, Show Solidarity, and Take Action for a strong

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Rutgers 5094 Negotiations Update, June 24, 2022
Jun 24 2022

HPAE local 5094 met on 6/21/22 for our fourth session of negotiations with Rutgers University. Our contract is set to expire July 1, 2022. The show of solidarity today in our session was a boost for our negotiations team.

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HPAE congratulates Newark Mayor Baraka on his re-election
May 12 2022

Emerson, NJ—HPAE members congratulate Ras Baraka on his re-election as mayor of the great city of Newark. Mayor Baraka has been a friend and partner in the struggle to empower healthcare workers, especially at Newark’s University Hospital. HPAE members at

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Children’s Mobile Response Victory
Nov 18 2021

As your new HPAE Rep, I am happy to share a recent victory with you on an issue important to our department. We write to highlight how we reached this victory -- to celebrate our success and to inspire us

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Mandatory Vaccine Update, July 30, 2021
Jul 30 2021

The Coalition of Rutgers Unions (CRU) has met with Rutgers (RU) this week to negotiate over the impact of the mandatory vaccination policy. We will continue to negotiate on Monday. The CRU asked many questions, some of which RU clarified.

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Changes to Healthcare plans
Apr 15 2021

Effective July 1, 2021, Rutgers employees represented by our union, and all other unions in the Coalition of Rutgers Unions (CRU), will have the chance to pay less for state health benefits by switching to the new NJ Direct Plan...

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Shared Work Program and Unemployment Fraud
Apr 14 2021

We wanted to provide an update on the implementation of our fiscal emergency settlement, which you can read more about here: Settlement Summary, and provide some information about next steps.

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Sick time donation for a member in need
Dec 09 2020

The holiday season is often called the season of giving and, in that tradition, we are asking the membership to step up in support of a long time HPAE member and UBHC Clinician Dana Bush.

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Rutgers community protests variety of issues at U.
Sep 29 2020

Members of the Rutgers community, including students, faculty, staff and New Brunswick residents, held a protest on Saturday calling on the University to reverse layoffs, implement tuition reductions amid the pandemic, stop the sale of the Lincoln Annex School ...

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Update on Layoffs at UBHC, August 10, 2020
Aug 10 2020

Since July 23, HPAE has been working with our UBHC membership regarding layoff notices issued by Rutgers University. These layoff notices are to take effect on August 22nd, leaving our hardworking healthcare co-workers without a full time job, health insurance,

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Negotiations for Rutgers Reopening
Jul 29 2020

Rutgers has released their “Return to Rutgers” and “Return to Research” plans, and has begun to direct a limited return to on-site staffing, including employees in research, libraries, some contracted office locations at UCHC and the Child Health Unit, and

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UBHC layoffs!
Jul 24 2020

On July 23, HPAE was notified by members of our Union of the University’s intent to begin layoffs for UBHC “as the result of the unprecedented COVID-19 public health crisis which has resulted in a fiscal crisis emergency.”   As

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CRU Update: Returning to Rutgers
Jun 26 2020

On Friday, June 19th, you should have received an email from the Rutgers administration with a link to their report entitled Returning to Rutgers.

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Fiscal Emergency Declared by Rutgers
Jun 10 2020

The Rutgers University administration has just notified nearly all of its unions that it is taking the first steps toward implementing a fiscal emergency, thereby jeopardizing the futures of our 20,000-plus union members, their families, and communities throughout New Jersey.

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Negotiations at Rutgers – Coalition Update
May 29 2020

You have probably heard rumors regarding layoffs and furloughs from various managers and schools that make the decision seem inevitable. You may have heard threats have been made to union leaders that Rutgers will declare a fiscal emergency and withhold

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Rutgers: No Decisions About Us, Without Us
Apr 23 2020

Our Coalition of Rutgers Unions, representing 20,000 unionized employees, will not allow the Rutgers administration to turn this tragedy into a disaster for the people who make Rutgers work.

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Another Step Toward Controversial Merger of Med Schools
Feb 07 2020

A controversial proposal to merge the two Rutgers University medical schools into a single entity spread over two cities 30 miles apart may be gaining momentum, despite concerns among some faculty and staff about the process and potential risks involved.

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HPAE Local 5094 Special Election Results
Jan 23 2020

The Local 5094 Nomination and Election Committee has completed Local 5094 Special Officer Elections. The election was uncontested and the committee cast one vote on behalf of the candidate.

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HPAE Public Sector Union Rep Training
Sep 09 2019

This training is for all HPAE Public Sector Union Reps: those that have had no training before, as well as those that have had the basic training but want to learn additional skills and refine current ones.

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HPAE Local 5094 Election Results
Jul 12 2019

The Local 5094 Nomination and Election Committee has completed Local 5094 Officer Elections. Candidates will officially take office September 1, 2019. Congratulations to all the winners.

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HPAE 5094 Bargaining Update, May 24
May 28 2019

After three full days of bargaining Wednesday-Friday, we have reached agreement on all outstanding issues except wages. A final settlement was only held up by some 11th hour nickel-and-diming on the part of Rutgers.

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HPAE 5094 Bargaining Update, May 14
May 16 2019

We are very close to agreement on many issues. However, Rutgers finally presented a promised counter on out of title work and job reclassifications that we had to spend the bulk of the session reviewing and negotiating over.

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Rutgers is not for sale!   Keep University Hospital Open!!
May 21 2018

Rutgers is about to enter into a partnership with Barnabas that threatens to privatize many jobs and possibly reduce services offered at University Hospital. In the meantime the Hospital has initiated the closure of the pediatrics unit—and announced that many

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Barnabas Partnership Update
Apr 23 2018

With the Rutgers, Rutgers Health Group and RWJ Barnabas Health partnership scheduled to go into to effect on July 1, 2018, our union, HPAE, along with our union coalition partners, continue to be very concerned.

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Contract, tuition, wage rally at Rutgers
Apr 11 2018

More than 400 Rutgers University faculty, staff and students rallied outside the Board of Governors (BOG) meeting Tuesday, while dozens more inside petitioned the governing body directly in hopes of securing fair union contracts, a freeze on tuition and a $15-per-hour minimum

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HPAE Local 5094 Election Results
Aug 31 2017

The official results of the HPAE Local 5094 Officer and Rep Election have been tabulated by our Nomination and Election Committee and were certified by the committee on August 31.

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HPAE Local 5094 Election is Underway
Aug 11 2017

Nominations for HPAE Local 5094 Officers and Representatives are closed and our election is now underway. Based on all the nominations received, the only contested position this year is for the Co-President assigned to the Rutgers-RBHS New Brunswick, Piscataway, Stratford

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HPAE Local 5094 Nomination of Union Officers and Reps
Jul 18 2017

In accordance with our union Constitution and By-Laws, the Local 5094 Nominations and Elections Committee is currently accepting nominations for seven officer positions and sixty-five union representatives at Rowan, Rutgers and University Hospital.

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HPAE Rowan Member Update: Retroactive pay increases
Dec 22 2016

We have received notification from Rowan that the retroactive increases have been processed. The following is the schedule for payout for our wages: For those members eligible for the 2015 Step increase, it will be included in pay period 26,

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HPAE Rutgers Alert: Payroll Migration Update, October 26
Oct 26 2016

On Monday, October 24th, representatives of the Union Coalition at Rutgers met with Administration officials as part of the quarterly Labor Management Committee (LMC) meeting to discuss a variety of issues. The most pressing of these had to do with

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HPAE Rutgers Alert: Hold Back Pay
Sep 30 2016

On Friday of last week your Union representatives met with Rutgers administration regarding their payroll migration process. While we have several concerns surrounding this transition, the most pressing of these is what we will call the “hold back” week.

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Rutgers Payroll Migration
Sep 27 2016

On Friday of last week your Union representatives met with Rutgers administration regarding their payroll migration process. While we have several concerns surrounding this transition, the most pressing of these is what we will call the “hold back” week.

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HPAE 5094 University Hospital Contract Update – April 8
Apr 08 2016

On Monday, April 5th, we had our latest negotiation session with UH management. Management presented us with a revised “Inclement Weather Policy” which would greatly reduce the amount of pay and/or comp time that workers would get during such an

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Rutgers FXB Child Health Unit Workplace Safety
Dec 23 2015

Last week, threats of violence were called into several DCF offices throughout the state. Your Local 5094 leadership takes these threats seriously and we have been in contact with our Reps and Liaisons, CHU Administration, and CWA in an attempt

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Pack the UH Board Meeting, Contract Now!
Dec 23 2015

Join us on Tuesday, November 10, 2015, at the University Hospital Board of Director’s meeting in Newark to demand a fair contract for the Hospital’s nurses and professionals. The meeting is located at the Cancer Center, B Level, Room 1120,

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Pack the UH Board Meeting, Contract Now!
Nov 04 2015

Join us on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at the University Hospital Board of Director's meeting in Newark to demand a fair contract for the Hospital's nurses and professionals. The meeting is located at the Cancer Center, B Level, Room 1120, 205

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Oct 12 2015

Last week, threats of violence were called in to several DCF offices throughout the state. Your Local 5094 leadership takes these threats seriously and we have been in contact with our Reps and Liaisons, CHU Administration, and CWA in

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Oct 02 2015

At our September meeting, the HPAE Local 5094 Executive Board voted to appoint Vincent Muse to serve as union Co-secretary, with responsibility for work-sites at Rutgers Piscataway, New Brunswick, and Stratford, as well as Rowan University. The appointment to fill the

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Aug 21 2015

Elections for HPAE Local 5094 Officers and Representatives have been underway for a week now. Some members have reported not yet receiving their ballot in the mail. If you did not receive a ballot, please contact HPAE Staff Rep, Jeffrey

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Aug 14 2015

Elections are currently underway for HPAE Local 5094 Officers and Representatives. Ballots were mailed to members on Thursday, August 13th. We hope you take a few minutes to complete it and return it. Ballots must be returned by 10:00 am

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Aug 11 2015

We are sorry but registrtation for this event has been closed. If you have any questions, please contact Christine Munck at cmunck@hpae.org. Join HPAE Local 5094 and the AFT-Rutgers Union Coalition for our Annual Labor Day Picnic on Monday, September 7,

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Jul 29 2015

Our negotiating team for 5089 and 5094 met with representatives of Rowan University and the New Jersey Office of Employee Relations on July 23 for continued contract negotiations.We signed a memorandum of agreement that allows for joint negotiations with HPAE professionals

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Jul 27 2015

In accordance with our union Constitution and By-Laws, the HPAE Local 5094 Nominations and Elections Committee is currently accepting nominations for seven local union officer positions and sixty-five union representatives at Rowan, Rutgers and University Hospital. Nomination forms were mailed to members on

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Jun 23 2015

The negotiation team for HPAE Locals 5094 and 5089 had its first session for the contract renewal with the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations representing Rowan University on May 22nd. At that session, we discussed  joint bargaining for both HPAE unions

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Jun 19 2015

On Thursday, June 18, we had our latest negotiation session with UH management. While we were able to agree on a handful of new tentative agreements (e.g., continuing education, labor management and direct deposit), management still has no economic

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Jun 13 2015

On Friday, June 12th, after three days of voting, the members of HPAE Local 5094 voted by an overwhelming majority to ratify our new contract with Rutgers University. This is the first contract we've negotiated with the University since the merger with

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Jun 09 2015

The HPAE Local 5094 Rutgers Contract Ratification Vote begins Wednesday June 10, 2015. You have the opportunity to accept or reject the tentative agreement your negotiating committee reached with Rutgers management. Voting is open from 12:00 am Wednesday, June 10th through

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Jun 08 2015

Join us on Tuesday, June 9th at 7:00 pm for a tele-town hall conference call to review our tentative agreement with Rutgers University before our upcoming contract ratification vote. If you are a member of Local 5094, you should receive a

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Jun 02 2015

Your HPAE Local 5094 bargaining team has reached a tentative agreement with Rutgers management for a new contract covering UMDNJ “Legacy” Professionals. This is our first contract since the merger with Rutgers. We protected the standards we’ve worked long to

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May 29 2015

After two more long days of negotiations, your HPAE Local 5094 bargaining team has reached a tentative agreement with Rutgers management for a new contract covering UMDNJ “Legacy” Professionals. This is our first contract since the merger with Rutgers. We

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May 07 2015

May 6th, 2015 kicked off National Nurses Week. During the week, our employers hand out roses, take out newspaper ads applauding their nurses, or offer a free lunch or small gift. As a union, we fight to ensure nurses and other

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Mar 03 2015

On Monday, March 2, the New Jersey Health Care Facilities Financing Authority released the long-awaited "Navigant" report providing an evaluation of healthcare services in the Greater Newark area and recommendations for consolidation and reorganization of services. HPAE President Ann Twomey

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Feb 25 2015

Rutgers has the money. Rutgers has raised more than $1 billion in donations and has another $700 million in unrestricted funds, so why are faculty and staff being told to accept tiny raises after years of frozen wages? What’s more,

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Feb 10 2015

Contract negotiations with Rutgers' administration have been underway for nearly six months. We are still far apart on wages and the administration continues to reject proposals to provide us the same tuition remission and parking benefits as our Rutgers Legacy

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Jan 26 2015

You have probably all seen the recent email from the Office of Disaster Preparedness. Despite, the current Blizzard Warning declared by the National Weather Service, at this time, University Hospital intends to operate under normal conditions and require all personnel--essential

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Jan 09 2015

We'd like to take a quick moment to wish our members a Happy New Year. And with the new year... we've received yet another self congratulatory email from Vivian Fernandez announcing wage increases for the non-union staff and the Teamsters.

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Dec 18 2014

You are probably aware, the Teamsters union has recently reached an agreement with Rutgers for a four year contract that includes wage increases of 2.0% for the first three years and 2.25% for the final year as well as some

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Dec 01 2014

Based on communication we received from CWA this afternoon, we understand that our brothers and sisters in the DCP&P Local offices have postponed their planned job action due to the State conceding to demands for enhanced security. Faced with the

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Nov 30 2014

By now, you are likely already aware of the life-threatening attack in November on a DCF worker at the Camden office of the Division of Children Protection and Permanency. Be advised that State workers, represented by their union, CWA, have informed

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Nov 13 2014

By now, you have all probably received the Rutgers Integration email from Vivian Fernandez, Rutgers Vice President for Faculty & Staff Resources, about the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) regarding alignment of Workforce Systems and Benefits and you may have a

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Oct 21 2014

We held our third negotiations session with Rutgers management on October 7th. Here's how things stand: We want fair wages: Our initial proposals call for an average of 6% annual raises through a combination of across the board increases and step

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Oct 17 2014

RUTGERS WORKERS NEED FAIR CONTRACTS NOW! Nearly 20,000 Rutgers employees and our unions are in negotiations with the University for a new contract. So far, management has offered no raises to staff and proposed numerous give-backs. Most contracts have already expired.

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Sep 25 2014

The latest issue of the Local 5094 newsletter, Proactive, is now available to members. This issue has articles on the current contract negotiations, Rutgers’ travel policy, and public employee issues. Click Here to Read the Latest Issue of Proactive

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Sep 24 2014

Contract negotiations with University Hospital and Rutgers University are now underway. This is the first time we are bargaining with our new employers since the break up of UMDNJ and a lot is at stake. We want to keep University

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Aug 29 2014

On August 19, 2014 our HPAE – Rowan/SOM Labor Management Committee met with management from the University for our first Labor Management meeting since the dissolution of UMDNJ. Present from the Union:Tammy DelleFave, Lori Galiano, Mary Kosciuk and HPAE Staff

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Aug 26 2014

As you may have heard, some HPAE members at University Hospital received layoff notices last week due to "budget constraints" at the Hospital. In total, ten HPAE professionals and one staff nurse were laid-off. In addition, there was approximately twenty

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Aug 12 2014

Our HPAE Local 5094 bargaining committee is meeting with Rutgers administration this morning in New Brunswick. This is our first official bargaining session with the University since the dissolution of UMDNJ and we are looking forward to productive negotiations. Earlier this

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Aug 11 2014

Union Brothers and Sisters! Join HPAE and AFT-Rutgers for our Labor Day Picnic Monday, September 1, 2014. Where: Rutgers Gardens/Log Cabin Pavilion,112 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ When: Monday, September 1, 2014, From 1:30 pm to 6:00 pm (Rain or Shine)

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Jun 20 2014

In a first public action signaling a strong union coalition at the newly organized Rutgers, more than 200 union members rallied for fair contracts and respect for workers outside the Rutgers Board of Governors meeting in New Brunswick on June

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Jun 17 2014

Taken from the Political State blog on NorthJersey.com - June 13, 2014 A bill that Democrats say would guard against “irresponsible” plans to outsource government services is heading to Governor Christie’s desk. The bill, which passed the Assembly 48-30 today, would forbid

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Jun 10 2014

Rutgers faculty and staff are uniting with students to Reclaim Rutgers. CHALLENGE management’s misplaced priorities! RESPECT our employees—no layoffs! UNITE for fair contracts! Where: Outside the Rutgers Board of Governors Meeting Old Queens/Winants Hall 7 College Avenue, New Brunswick When:

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Jun 02 2014

Some HPAE members received layoff notices last Friday, effective July 7th, as "a result of the integration of Rutgers and UMDNJ." Layoff restrictions in the New Jersey Medical and Health Sciences Education Restructuring Act expired on July 1st, 2014. Our HPAE

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May 30 2014

When Gov. Christie announced his illegal plan to slash pension funding, the unions representing public employees, including HPAE, vowed to sue to protect our members’ rights. Together, we are moving forward to file that suit quickly. But you can do

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May 13 2014

New Jersey is facing an $800 million budget shortfall; and the Governor wants to pay for it with your pension. New Jersey has a revenue problem but Governor Christie would rather cut payments to the pension fund and use one

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May 06 2014

Uniting around a common agenda for upcoming contract negotiations, 150 union leaders and activists representing the unionized Rutgers staff and faculty met to strategize at the Busch Campus Center in Piscataway on May 1. Working together under the banner of

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May 03 2014

There wil be membership meetings for Local 5094 members on the Newark campus next Thursday, May 8. The meetings will be held at the Medical Science Building, Lecture Hall B-556, 12 Noon to 1 pm and 1 pm to 2

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Apr 22 2014

The spring edition of the local 5094 newsletter is now available. In it, you will find news about the upcoming September contract negotiations and an updated list of the Rowan University, Rutgers University and University Hospital negotiating committee.

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Apr 16 2014

Faculty, staff and students united! Attention HPAE Reps and activists: You’re invited to attend an important union coalition meeting on Thursday, May 1st, to meet our Rutgers union counterparts, and help coordinate our contract campaign goals and activities. In 2012,

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Apr 09 2014

This Thursday, April 10th, we’re encouraging our members to join our coalition partners at Rutgers University for an eye opening event, titled “Open the Books!” about the University’s finances.  As we head into contract negotiations with Rutgers for the first

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Mar 31 2014

On Friday, March 7th, your labor management team met with UH Labor Relations. Many issues were discussed, but the following issues were addressed: Inclement Weather, Health and Safety, ID Badges, and PERS/ABP. Inclement Weather:  Since the reorganization, University Hospital has

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Mar 21 2014

Rutgers University has issued a statement for all UMDNJ Legacy employees to complete their I-9 forms. Members have raised concerns that completing these forms would change their start date with the University. HPAE has been assured by Labor Relations that

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Feb 26 2014

NJ’s largest health care union – the Health Professionals and Allied Employees (HPAE) – today announced their support for Ras Baraka for Newark Mayor.  Among HPAE’s 12,000 members are more than 2000 nurses, medical researchers and other health professionals working

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Feb 11 2014

  Our Union contracts with Rowan, Rutgers and University Hospital (formerly UMDNJ) expire on September 30, 2014. We are making preparations now to negotiate the best possible contracts for our future and we need your input, so please fill out

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Dec 19 2013

Last night,  Newark’s City Council moved for first reading an ordinance that will allow all workers in Newark to earn paid sick time.  The ordinance was expected to pass on final reading; however, at the 11th hour, provisions strengthening key

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Dec 06 2013

We've received word today from the NJ Division of Pension and Benefits about a security breach at Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey that affects the personal data of some members enrolled in NJ's State Health Benefits

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Nov 12 2013

Edgar Aracena, our HPAE staff Rep for the Rutgers RBHS FXB Child Health Units and UCHC units, has resigned from HPAE. We wish him the best in his new endeavors. We are currently interviewing to fill the position. In the

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Oct 14 2013

HPAE Training for Local 5089, 5094 and 5135 Reps at University Hospital, Rutgers and Rowan is scheduled for Saturday, November 9 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at our New Brunswick office.

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Oct 14 2013

The HPAE Local 5094 Election Committee has confirmed the results of our recent Union Election. We'd like to congratulate all the new Reps who will be serving for their first time and welcome back those Reps who have been elected

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Oct 14 2013

Elections are currently underway for HPAE Local 5094 Officers and Representatives. By now all members should have received a ballot from HPAE. We hope you take a few minutes to complete it and return it. Ballots must be returned by

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Jul 01 2013

A historic bell — a gift from Col. Henry Rutgers in 1826 to the school that would take his name — will toll on Rutgers University’s Old Queens campus in New Brunswick at 9 a.m. today, marking the official beginning

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Jun 24 2013

UMDNJ Management has informed all HPAE members that effective July 1, 2013 their positions will be transferred to University Hospital, Rutgers University, or Rowan University as a result of the New Jersey Medical and Health Sciences Education Restructuring Act passed

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May 08 2013

Last Friday, the UMDNJ United Union Coalition held what may be our last quarterly meeting with University President, Dr. Rodgers. Dr. Rodgers reported that the reorganization is on target to be implemented on July 1st and provided further details

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Mar 11 2013

UMDNJ announced their intention last week to engage a “partner” to advise University Hospital on “operations and management matters.” A Request for Proposal (RFP) for Management Services was posted on the University’s Purchasing Services website late Friday afternoon. Click here

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Thats all, folks - no more news!

In This Local

Upcoming Events for Local 5094 Rutgers

No upcoming events at this time.