Welcome to Local 5094 Rowan University
Local 5094 Rowan University represents Registered Nurses and Professional Staff at Rowan University.
HPAE Local 5094 Special Officer Election Results
Local 5094 Special officer elections for Co-President, Rutgers New Brunswick/Piscataway/Stratford/Camden and Rowan is complete. The American Arbitration Association has counted and certified the results.
Local 5094 Special Election: Candidate Statements
Enclosed are candidate statement which were submitted to the Nomination and Election Committee under the guidelines of the Local 5094 Local Election Rules established at the start of the election.
Notice of 2024 Special Nominations and Election of HPAE Local 5094 Co-President
The Nominations and Election Committee announces that there is a special election for the Co-President of the (Rutgers New Brunswick/Piscataway/Stratford/Camden, Rowan).
Local 5094 Rowan New Member Resources
Congratulations on the beginning of a new chapter as you explore HPAE Union Membership. This page has lots of information to get acquainted with Union membership and getting active in your collective.
This Month: Learn about Your New Health Plan Options at Union Town Halls
During a Special Open Enrollment this month, you have the opportunity to choose from newly available Aetna health plans, change from one Horizon health plan to another, or stay right where you are now.
Join Know Your Rights on Tuesday, April 16!
Know Your Rights! (KYR) This educational and participatory workshop covers how to safely and most effectively exercise your rights at work related to self-advocacy, activism through collective action, and more.
Notice of 2024 Nomination and Election of Local 5094 HPAE and AFT Convention Delegates and Alternates
The Nominations/Election Committee announces that we are now accepting nominations to represent Local 5094 at this year’s HPAE State Convention , as well as the AFT National Convention.
HPAE local 5094 Research Study
We would like to connect with those of you who work in Research, or in support of Research. If this is your current role, please fill out the enclosed survey.
HPAE 5094 New Training Opportunity: Know Your Rights!
Know Your Rights! (KYR) This educational and participatory workshop covers how to safely and most effectively exercise your rights at work related to self-advocacy, activism through collective action, and more.
HPAE local 5094 Rowan Training: Make the Most of Your Contract
Making the Most of Your Contract Stop leaving money on the table! This interactive workshop covers highlights of the HPAE 5094 Contracts highlighting ways to make the most of your agreements and benefits.
HPAE local 5094 members: make 2024 a year of collective dynamism
Join your HPAE 5094 Local Executive Board in the collective New Year’s Resolution to bring the power to enforce our contract through member engagement and increased activism.
Local 5094 Election Results
The 2023 Local 5094 Nomination and Election Committee would like to announce the winners of the Co-President positions of local 5094.
Local 5094 Rowan Members: We’ve got a contract! Want to know more?
We are very proud to announce that we reached a full memorandum of agreement (i.e. a new contract!) with Rowan University today.
Local 5094 Rowan Members: We Bargain with the Power of the People Behind Us!
You Sent Your HPAE Bargaining Team to the Table with the Power of a United Membership Behind Us Today! The message below was sent yesterday in advance of our return to negotiations this morning. Thanks to the support of our
Local 5094 Officer and Representative Elections
The election has begun for HPAE Local 5094 Officers. The election is being overseen by the American Arbitration Association (AAA). Ballots were mailed to all members in good standing on Monday, October 16, 2023.
HPAE local 5094 Officers and Union Representatives Election
The following nominations have been received for Local 5094 Officer and Representatives’ elections.
Happy Labor Day!
This Labor Day, we are reminded that our strength lies in our Unity. Wishing you a Happy Labor Day, Stand United.
Notice of 2023 Nominations and Election of HPAE local 5094 Officers and Union Representatives
The Nominations and Election Committee announces that there are seven local officer positions and 65 representative positions that are up for election this year.
Local 5094 Rowan Members: We need your support to win at the table – sign our petition!
Rowan University is not budging on a number of our key issues - increasing lay off rights and incorporating flexible work options and an associated dispute resolution process - and has failed to engage on our economic proposals for the
Good news – we have our first tentative agreements….but there is still a fight ahead
We are excited to announce that on Friday we reached tentative agreements with Rowan University on three of our non-economic proposals and have made further progress on several other articles, including our reassignment language.
Reaching for the stars: We just had our first negotiation session with Rowan University!
On Friday, June 2nd, we had our first negotiation session with Rowan University SOM and the state of New Jersey.
Proposal drafting meeting on Tuesday, 5/16!
Next Tuesday, May 16th from 12-1:30p, we will be discussing and editing proposals drafts based on the survey results.
HPAE local 5094 @ Rowan 2023 Contract Campaign Kickoff Party!
As members of your contract bargaining team, we wanted to invite you to our HPAE Rowan Local 5094 Contract Campaign Kickoff Party!
HPAE Local 5094 Rowan 2023 Contract Campaign Initial Meeting this Friday
This Friday, March 10, from 12-1 on Zoom I am going to hold an informational/planning meeting for anyone interested in getting involved in our bargaining committee and contract action team (CAT).
HPAE Statement in Solidarity with the AAUP Strike Authorization Vote
Our union sisters and brothers in the AAUP held a strike authorization vote beginning on February 28 to hear if the membership of that union will authorize their bargaining team to schedule a strike if they believe it is necessary.
Drastic premium increases – Action needed!
Your health insurance costs are going up unless we act together to stop it. We call on all HPAE negotiations unit employees to Call the Governor to say “No” to health insurance cost increases!!
Rowan Update, July 1, 2022
Rowan SOM and Virtua announced their intention to affiliate earlier this year. This agreement has not been signed yet, but the parties are hoping to sign one soon. The CWA and HPAE have requested a copy of the agreement when
The Nominations/Election Committee announces that they are now accepting nominations to represent Local 5094 at this year’s AFT National Convention. This year’s convention will be held at Boston Convention Center and Exhibition Center in Boston, Massachusetts, July 12th – 17th,
Rowan Update, April 19, 2022
HPAE and CWA together, with members of your locals, met with Human Resources and Labor Relations to discuss the evolving Rowan/Virtua Affiliation.
Rowan Update: Virtua Affiliation with Rowan SOM
Last year Rowan SOM signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) with Virtua to affiliate. The HPAE, CWA and AAUP are working together and have asked Rowan for a meeting to discuss this “affiliation”.
Local 5094 HPAE Convention Delegate Announcement
The Nominations/Election Committee announces that the following members will serve as delegates for HPAE Local 5094 at this year’s HPAE State Convention.
Local 5094 Membership meeting
When: September 1, 2021 at 12:00 PM, and September 1, 2021 at 6:00 PM Agenda: * COVID Updates including facilities issues * Juneteeth * Union representative open positions * Membership questions Register in advance for these meetings.
Notice of 2021 Nominations and Election of Local 5094 Officers and Union Representatives
The Nominations and Election Committee announces that there are seven local officer positions and 65 representative positions that are up for election this year.
Notice of 2021 Nominations and Election of Local 5094 HPAE Convention Delegates and Alternates
The Nominations/Election Committee announces that they are now accepting nominations to represent Local 5094 at this year’s HPAE State Convention.
Equal Rights and Equal Protections: Vote Yes on S.3810/A.5862
This legislation would enhance public sector unions' right to information under the WDEA (The Workplace Democracy Enhancement Act) and give public sector workers the same rights and protections as workers in the private sector.
HPAE Local 5094 Rowan Update, June 21
We held a joint meeting with Rowan administration and CWA last week to discuss Juneteenth, evolving plans to reopen the campus, and vaccines. We wanted to give you some updates from that meeting.
HPAE Local 5094 Rowan Update, May 12
Rowan SOM will begin a phased return to campus plan beginning July 1, 2021, that will go through September 2021.
Local 5094 Membership Meetings: April 13
You are invited to a Local 5094 Membership meeting. When: April 13, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) April 13, 2021 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Agenda: COVID Updates Union representative open positions Membership questions Register
Stand with Rutgers healthcare workers petition & NJ.com article on CHU nursing cuts
A total of 67 nurses employed by Rutgers University who were assigned to local child welfare offices and kept tabs on each foster child’s physical and mental health, are out of a job after Nov. 6.
Stand with Rutgers healthcare workers caring for vulnerable, at-risk children in foster care
Healthcare workers across NJ have responded to the call, providing patient care throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, now essential workers providing support medical services to foster children are facing layoffs.
Demanding Healthcare During a Pandemic and Beyond
Join us as we unite our forces to demand that Congress do everything in their power to protect everyone's health, without exception, during Covid and beyond.
HPAE Local 5094 Rutgers members: COVID-19 – Know Your Rights
HPAE, AFT and unions across the country are working to fight for safeguards to our own health and the health of our communities.
HPAE Local 5094 Rowan Member Update – Health Benefits Open Enrollment
For those interested in changing their health plans as per your recently ratified contract, you will have to make the change NOW during OPEN ENROLLMENT.
Contract Ratified!
Following the ratification vote yesterday and today, our local voted unanimously to ratify the tentative agreement presented to our membership.
Summary of Tentative Agreement between HPAE and Rowan University, September 26, 2019
With your support, our Bargaining Team has worked hard to negotiate a Tentative Agreement with Rowan University for Rowan-SOM Professionals and Registered Nurses.
HPAE Local 5094 Rowan Membership Meetings: September 24 & 26
On the agenda: Review the contract MOA, the contract vote and an opportunity to ask questions about the new contract
HPAE Public Sector Union Rep Training
This training is for all HPAE Public Sector Union Reps: those that have had no training before, as well as those that have had the basic training but want to learn additional skills and refine current ones.
We have a tentative agreement!
Our HPAE Local 5094 Negotiating Committee met on September 5th for continued negotiations for our successor agreement with Rowan University today.
HPAE Rowan Local 5094 Bargaining Update, August 21
Our HPAE Local 5094 Negotiating Committee met on August 20th for continued negotiations for our successor agreement with Rowan University today.
HPAE Rowan Local 5094 Bargaining Update, July 16
Our HPAE Local 5094 Negotiating Committee met for our second session for our successor agreement with Rowan University yesterday.
HPAE Local 5094 Election Results
The Local 5094 Nomination and Election Committee has completed Local 5094 Officer Elections. Candidates will officially take office September 1, 2019. Congratulations to all the winners.
Next Local 5094 Rowan Bargaining Date: Monday, July 15th
We are asking everyone to show their support by wearing your HPAE t-shirts or a red shirt on the day of negotiations. Be sure to save the date for the next membership meeting scheduled for August 1st and attend all
HPAE Rowan Local 5094 Bargaining Update
Our HPAE Local 5094 Negotiating Committee began bargaining our successor agreement with Rowan University today.
Notice of 2019 Nominations and Election of HPAE Local 5094 Officers and Union Representatives
The Nominations and Election Committee announces that there are seven local officer positions and 65 representative positions that are up for election this year.
Thats all, folks - no more news!
In This Local
- Rowan 5094 Tentative Agreement Summary
- 2025 HPAE 5094 Rowan Calendar
- New Hires - Welcome to HPAE local 5094 at Rowan! Join an Upcoming HPAE Orientation
- HPAE Membership Application
- HPAE Contract with Rowan (2023-2027)
- Local 5094 Officers and Committee Chairs
- Local 5094/5089 Union Staff
- Local 5094 Union Reps - Rowan University
- COVID Safety Checklist
- Local 5094 Constitution and Bylaws
- Attorney Referral for NJ Workers Compensation
- NJDOL Division of Unemployment Insurance
- Local 5094 Special Officer Election Nomination Form
- AFT Occupational Liability Insurance Plan
Upcoming Events for Local 5094 Rowan University
No upcoming events at this time.